Essential Hiking Tips

Toilet Etiquette While Hiking

  • fred 
Everywhere is a toilet for hikers? Don’t be fooled, as this may only apply for urine, and not long calls. You want to prevent the spread of diseases,

Other Items You Need When Hiking

  • fred 
In addition to boots and clothes, there are other essential items you need to bring with you when you go hiking. You need, among other things, food, w

Essential Hiking Gear

  • fred 
Walking is a cheap hobby, and with the right hiking gear you can just go on any trail in the world. But, there are a few pieces of equipment, such as

Determine Your Fitness Levels

  • fred 
In section one of this guide, you learnt that one of the factors to consider before you go for a hike is to determine if you’re fit for the strenuous

Find a Hiking Partner

  • fred 
It’s vital to find pleasant company to help you explore nature as you work out, especially if you’re a new hiker. Accidents may happen. And it helps i